This Bulletin is part of an on-going series by Kraeber Law Office to provide helpful hints about developments in the law that could be relevant to your business. 1. Mandatory Retirement Savings Plan -- Have You Signed Up? Employers of at least 5 employees that do not already sponsor a retirement plan must participate in CalSavers. Sign up was required by June 30, 2022. All adult employees are eligible. Employers are required to notify CalSavers within 30 days of a new employee’s hire date. Non-compliance can mean stiff penalties. 2. Some Covid Laws are Still in Place (a) Supplemental Paid Sick Leave benefits are in effect through September 30, 2022. (b) Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards will remain in effect through December 31, 2022. Key definitions have been updated. Please check out the information that applies to your industry on Cal/OSHA's COVID-19 ETS website. 3. Minimum Wage/San Francisco Family Friendly Workplace On July 1, 2022, many cities increased minimum wage rates. Check all locations where you have employees, including any remote employees, to make sure you are in compliance with all local ordinances. Also, changes were made to the San Francisco Family Friendly Workplace ordinance for employees with 20+ employees. 4. Meal and Rest Breaks Payments for missed meal and rest periods are now considered "wages." This designation is significant as it affects several other wage issues. 5. Whistleblower Retaliation A court ruling has now made it easier for employees to prove whistleblower retaliation. 6. Arbitration Agreements The use of Arbitration agreements has become more complicated but oftentimes is in an employer’s best interests and is worth the hassle. Contact us with any questions or concerns. We’re here to help. |

Employer Bulletin Sept 2022